Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic procedure that tightens the abdomen’s appearance by surgically removing fat and skin, and (in most cases) improving the integrity of the abdominal muscles. This elective surgery is one of several some may consider when looking to slim their midsection, such as may be desired after significant weight loss. Results are not guaranteed to be long-term, but avoiding excess weight gain post-tummy tuck helps maintain a flat stomach.

The Reason to Perform Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is done for purely aesthetic reasons: to have a flatter and more toned abdominal area. You might consider this surgery if your abdomen appears larger or when the skin is sagging, especially when it’s due to stretching.

You might have diminished tone and elasticity of your skin and muscles if you used to be overweight or if you gained and then lost significant weight with multiple pregnancies. Major weight loss, including after weight loss surgery, might result in extra skin that feels lax and flabby.

This procedure can improve your quality of life if it makes you more satisfied with your physical appearance, but it cannot improve your physical health.

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Before Abdominoplasty

Before your tummy tuck procedure, your surgeon will give you preoperative instructions to follow. It is vital that you follow these instructions carefully to ensure the best outcome from your procedure.

It is advised to wait to schedule your abdominoplasty surgery until you have achieved or are close to achieving your ideal weight, and are in good health overall. Female patients should wait until they are finished having children, to prevent further stretching of their abdominal muscles during future pregnancies.

Please also be aware that a tummy tuck is not the solution for major weight problems, and you should only commit to the surgery if you have realistic expectations of the results which can be achieved.


During Abdominoplasty

During a standard abdominoplasty, the navel is relocated and the skin pulled downwards in order to tighten the abdominal muscles vertically from the breastbone to the pubic bone. This method allows for removal of the maximum amount of excess skin and fat from the abdomen, with the scar usually positioned low on the stomach below the bikini line. Standard abdominoplasty surgery is beneficial for patients desiring widespread improvement in the abdominal region following major weight loss or multiple pregnancies.

A mini-abdominoplasty focuses on removing excess skin below the navel, and works best for patients looking to tone and shape the lower abdomen without the need to strengthen weak abdominal muscles. This procedure usually involves a smaller incision and less muscle tightening, resulting in a smaller scar located above the pubic area, a shorter recovery period, and no relocation of the navel during surgery.


After Abdominoplasty

The recovery period from an abdominoplasty procedure varies for every patient. On average, your hospital stay will be 2 – 4 days in duration, with full recovery taking up to 6 months in total.

It is usual to experience some pain and discomfort after your tummy tuck procedure. Your abdomen will be tender during the healing process, and swelling may not reduce for some weeks or months.

  • You should not bathe until your doctor approves.
  • You must wear a medical corset during the specified period.
  • Coughing and sneezing should be avoided, because stitches are not fully welded during the first week.
  • You should avoid sunlight after the operation.
  • You should use the medications prescribed by your doctor regularly during the prescribed period.
  • Heavy activities should be avoided for 2-3 weeks.
  • You should not smoke or drink alcohol after the operation during the specified period.
  • After Abdominoplasty in Turkey, just follow your doctor’s tips and you will get the desired look easily.

Abdominoplasty and Pregnancy

There is no harm in pregnancy again after tummy tuck. The process doesn’t interfere with pregnancy and does not prevent abdominal growth. Abdominal expansion can occur after one year of birth. However, you must remember that sagging and stretching the abdomen may occur again at pregnancy after the operation. Therefore, it is recommended to perform a tummy tuck when there is no planning for pregnancy again or loss of weight.

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