A facelift in Turkey may be something you are considering for a number of different reasons. Also commonly referred to as a rhytidectomy, it’s a cosmetic procedure which pulls back and lifts up the skin, creating a smoother and tighter appearance. A lot of people have facelift surgery in Turkey so that they can achieve a more youthful appearance, as the procedure will reduce sagging or flabby skin around the neck and lower half of the face.

As you get older, your skin loses elasticity. Your facial muscles also slacken, resulting in a droopy appearance. The rate at which this happens differs from person-to-person. However, a facelift in Turkey can rectify this. It is also a good treatment option if you have lost a considerable amount of weight, as it tightens the skin around your face.

When Should You Perform a Facelift ?

Your facial appearance changes with time, along with many natural causes associated with aging, Your skin becomes less elastic, and fat percentage decreases in some areas of the face and increases in other areas.

All these changes can be eliminated with facelift operation, along with:

  • Cheeks sagging.
  • The unwanted extra skin at the bottom of the jaw.
  • The unwanted extra skin in the nasal and oral area.
  • Skin sagging and excess fat in the neck.
  • Beware that the facelift operation is not the solution for skin wrinkles, sun damage, wrinkles around the nose, upper lip, or irregular skin tone.

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Tips Before The Facelift

  • Don’t smoke. Smoking affects your body’s ability to heal and can increase your risk of complications. I recommend my patients stop smoking both before and after their procedure to improve their chances of a successful surgery.
  • Don’t drink alcohol. Alcohol thins your blood and can result in increased bleeding and bruising during and after your facelift surgery. It’s best to refrain from alcohol at least 2 weeks prior to your surgery and abstain throughout your recovery.
  • Don’t wash your hair for a couple of days following surgery. Washing your hair can cause you to pull or tug at your incisions, which could cause damage to the wound. Generally, I recommend that my patients wait at least 3 – 5 days (or after their bandages are removed) before washing their hair.
  • Don’t apply makeup for about a week. While it may be tempting to use makeup to camouflage bruising or skin discoloration, it’s best to avoid applying cosmetics for at least 1 week. That way, you don’t risk additional bruising, injury, or infection of the skin.
  • Don’t participate in vigorous activity. Intense exercise like running or weightlifting has the potential to negatively affect your facelift results and even prolong your recovery. I recommend my patients resume activity slowly and gradually, building back up to their normal routines over the course of several weeks.


Things You Need To Do Before Facelift

  • Do stock up on supplies. Before your surgery, stock up on healthy snacks, water bottles, ice packs, medications, and anything else that will make you comfortable. This way, you’ll have everything you need after your procedure so you can rest and heal.
  • Do arrange for a ride home. Facelift surgery is performed while you are under anesthesia. After surgery, you will feel tired and won’t be able to drive. Arrange for someone to take you to and from surgery for your safety and the safety of others.
  • Do follow your doctor’s instructions and take prescribed medication. After facelift surgery, I provide all my patients with detailed post-operative instructions to maximize their healing and avoid complications. Following these instructions carefully is extremely important for a smooth and speedy recovery. You should also take all medications as prescribed to help with pain and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Do rest. Rest is critical after facelift surgery because it allows your body to heal. Don’t try to do too much too soon–take it easy and listen to your body and your surgeon. I usually recommend that my facelift patients refrain from any housework or daily activities for a few days following surgery.


Tips For After Facelift Operation

Personal care at home during the first three weeks helps you recover and reduce the risk of complications.

  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions: Each cosmetic surgeon will likely provide specialized aftercare and post-surgical instructions following your facial surgery.
  • Ice for Pain: Applying cold compresses to your face for the first 72 hours after facial surgery will help reduce bruising and swelling.
  • Keep Your Head Elevated: One of the most important facelift recovery tips, it is important to keep your head elevated for at least 1-2 weeks after a facelift.
  • Don’t strain your facial muscles: After your facial surgery, a speedy recovery relies on your ability to keep calm, relax, and refrain from straining your facial muscles.
  • Protect yourself from the sun and the elements: An essential facelift recovery tip, your skin will be quite sensitive after any type of facial surgery.

In terms of recovery, it is a good idea to carefully think about when to have this procedure, as you will often require a couple of weeks off work. Most people take two to four weeks to recover fully from this procedure. You can expect visible bruising and swelling for the first two weeks, and you should not drive immediately after the operation. In addition to this, to reduce swelling, you should keep your head propped up with pillows for a couple of days. You should also avoid getting the bandages wet, which means no showering for the first two days. No massages, saunas, or strenuous activity is allowed for the first fortnight either.

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