Beard cultivation We all love and wish to have a beard that grows, increases in growth and takes care of it, and draws shaving its sides.

And some of us enjoy the shave of his beard and consider it his daily activity, as the beard for all peoples and civilizations is a symbol of masculinity and beauty in all its cases and forms.

Beard hair, its nature and stages of its life

Of course, the hair of the beard is like other body hairs in terms of composition, composition and age, but differs slightly in nature.

The hair in the chin is more stiff than its counterparts, and it is more coarse than the hair of the head and eyebrow, due to a great wisdom in beauty and efficacy.

Also, the hair on the chin does not grow at the same rate as the rest of the body hair, as its ability to grow on average is 15 mm per month. And for a short growth period.

And the hair of the beard is exposed to falling like others, for several reasons, the most important of which is

The causes of beard hair loss

  • Natural Hair Growth Cycle Factors
  • Genetic factor.
  • Lack of nutrition, vitamins, minerals and others.
  • psychological causes such as psychological fatigue, deep thinking about worries, sorrows, depression, and so on.
  • Accidents such as burns and violent shocks (may God bless us and you).
  • Using chemotherapy, exposure to radiation and the like, of medicines (we do not need them all).
  • Skin diseases such as alopecia and folliculitis and others that lead to hair loss, and some diseases of the glands.
  • Using commercial products that claim to care and care for hair, dyes, and more.
  • Exposure to intense heat, such as using a “blow dryer” frequently, and exposure to sunlight, which appears at noon.


Young men who were interested in their beards went on a long time, following and experimenting with everything that goes on hearing them to prolong the hair of their chins.

And taking care of it from medical preparations with real or commercial names at exorbitant or inexpensive prices, and they spare no effort in caring for them.

Some of them began to believe even the barber of the neighborhood with a substance to soften hair, commercial keratin to strengthen and straighten.

Some of them even went so far as to draw their beard with kohl or tinting pens and pigments, which may cover the deficiency.

But hehe … No such games can deceive the shortage, lack of density, or barrenness in your beard.

Beard Transplant

Hair transplantation began to take its place in medicine and science in the middle of the century, and it has become a demand and solution for everyone who experiences hair loss.

In the last two decades, hair transplantation, eyebrow transplantation, beard and mustache transplantation, and hair transplantation became the best solution for women.

Chin implants depend on different schools and techniques that have evolved with the development of time and science.

Today, the process of growing a beard, mustache and others has become widespread.

And it does not shock you much.

You know that the greatest celebrities, stars, and beauties of the world have performed different hair transplants.

And that those who spent quite a time fascinating with their good feelings were thanks to hair transplantation.

Therefore, and due to the importance and necessity of this unique medical phenomenon, you find in the general study that:

Chin implantation in Saudi Arabia is almost a popular requirement. Every day, many operations are carried out inside and outside the country.

Similar to chin implantation in Egypt is present and widespread despite the disadvantages and weaknesses and chin implantation in Lebanon as well.

She was at the head of the medical and scientific pyramid with accuracy, approval, costs and all the advantages of chin hair transplantation in Turkey.

Chin implant in Turkey has advantages and costs

Turkey was distinguished from other countries in hair transplantation operations in particular and plastic surgery in general,

This is because Istanbul mediates the world of fashion and tourism and leads it in and among us, the medical tourism countries.

The numbers and statistics of operations conducted in Turkey Istanbul with great success exceeded the perception and broke the silence.

To become a worthy Turkey, the world’s first choice for all types of hair transplantation and cosmetology.

Today, Sir, you will judge for yourself the experience of chin transplantation in Turkey as the most enjoyable and finest case of medical tourism in the world.

With a simple calculation, you will find that the prices of chin implants in Turkey Istanbul.

Very reasonable and suitable for all social classes compared to non-countries and taking into account the accompanying services provided with agriculture.

Optimal techniques used in chin implants


Scientific and medical research has proven after deep efforts and huge studies all over the world, that permanent hair loss has no real solutions other than hair transplantation, beard transplantation or chin transplantation regardless of the name difference, it will be a radical and permanent solution for everyone who suffers.

Rather, it may make you look and feel that you did not have before, here you are in control, and you will grow hair as you dream.

Real natural and from the origin of your personal hair and you will not be in the false metaphor, you will have natural hair to grow again.

You go to the barber, cut it, or shave it, return to grow and bring you back the normal life you missed.

(CHOI IMPLANTER) pens and its role in beard transplants

A modern technology from its predecessor, in which, as is evident from its name, pen-like medical devices that harvest follicles are used.

And plant them directly in the target area without resorting to incubating brooders, but through direct injection and so.

This technique has shortened the stage of preservation and sorting of grafts and is characterized by accurate distribution and convenience for the doctor.

By targeting the angle required for implantation and with it the process is less effort and time.

(Sapphire Berkutan) technique and its role in beard transplants

It is the most recent and most important technique in the world of hair transplantation and it has proven highly effective and worthy and has recorded impressive results.

It relies on advanced medical devices with heads from the ambassador’s stone, which is the second hardest stone after diamonds on the ground.

It is the optically medically and scientifically appropriate option for chin implantation because of its benefits, the most important of which are:

  1. The material consisting of the precious stone does not cause any irritation or sensitivity to the place of cultivation.
  2. Because it is extremely accurate, it can cause very small cracks.
  3. It helps to grow up to 7000 bulbs in one transplant session.
  4. Open the cracks in directions appropriate to the directions of hair growth.
  5. It helps to speed up the tissue recovery process after opening the cracks, by stimulating the collagen where the ducts open.