Ageing is a process that happens seemingly out of nowhere and unfortunately, it’s a perfectly natural process that we have very little control over. For some, the ageing process is more obvious to the eye than it is in others and undergoing particular surgeries to reverse the signs of ageing is a perfectly viable option. For those whose insecurities lie in the skin above and under the eyelid, there are a number of options available to rectify the situation. Baggy skin around the eyes can be unsightly and as a consequence can cause unhappiness in sufferers, which is why many individuals turn to our eyelid surgery in Turkey.

What Can Eyelid Lifting Treat?

  • The sagging skin that creates a fold that affects the vision.
  • Fatty deposits show eyelids as swollen.
  • Bags under the eyes.
  • The lower eyelids dangle, leading to the appearance of white color under the iris.
  • Excessive skin and wrinkles under the lower eyelid.

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Who Can Have an Eyelid Lifting?

The ideal candidate for eyelid surgery is anyone who has excess upper or lower eyelid tissue. Now this tissue can be a combination of skin, muscle and fat. And during eyelid surgery we tend to remove a combination of these 3 entities, either skin, muscle, fat or all 3. In addition, as we age our eye structures tends to loosen and sometimes the lower eyelid laxity gets to the point where some of the white part of the eye is visible just above the lower eyelid. A patient who has that is also a good candidate for having the lower eyelid tightened.

Patients who would not necessarily be good candidates for eyelid surgery are patients who have pre-existing eye conditions, such as dry eye or any other sort of eye deformity. So, a conversation with both your plastic surgeon and your ophthalmologist about whether or not you’re an ideal candidate for this type of surgery should certainly be had.


Why Consider Eyelid Lift Surgery?

Our eyelids are home to the thinnest, most delicate skin on our bodies, so it’s no surprise that signs of aging will begin to appear around our eyes earlier than in most other areas. Aging eyelids can affect a person’s appearance in ways beyond just looking older—because so much emotion is expressed with our eyes, sagging, drooping eyelid skin can cause a tired, sad or even angry appearance, even when a person feels great.

Cosmetic eyelid surgery is designed to help counteract these changes and restore a naturally refreshed, youthful appearance to the eyes. The results can be life-enhancing, helping a patient feel more confident in his or her appearance. If others mistakenly perceive you as tired or upset, an eyelid lift can help your eyes more accurately portray your emotions. Also, if sagging eyelid skin is obstructing your ability to see, eyelid surgery can eliminate the problem and allow you to more fully open your eyes.


Eyelid Lift Surgery & Recovery

Cosmetic eyelid surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure, and typically lasts from 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending upon whether or not you are having another procedure performed at the same time. Depending on the extent of your eyelid surgery, you will be given general anesthesia or local anesthesia with IV sedation.

Most trained, board certified cosmetic surgeons today use advanced techniques that eliminate the need to bandage the eyes after surgery, although you may be given an eye lubricant that somewhat blurs your vision at first. When preparing for your surgery, it is a good idea to have some of your favorite music or audiobooks on hand to listen to as you spend the first few days resting at home.

During the first 1 to 2 weeks after eyelid surgery, patients commonly have some visible bruising and swelling, and your eyelids may feel unusually tight. However, most patients report feeling more soreness than pain. Using cold compresses and keeping your head elevated while you sleep can help alleviate discomfort.

Life After Eyelid Surgery

Most patients feel well enough to make short trips (do not drive yourself until your cosmetic surgeon gives you clearance to do so) after about a week, and return to their jobs 10-14 days after an eyelid lift.

It’s always important to follow your cosmetic surgeon’s instructions after any procedure, and after eyelid surgery you will have to make a few special but relatively simple modifications to ensure your newly rejuvenated eyelids heal optimally.

  • Expect your eyes to get tired more quickly than usual for the first few weeks, and it’s important to let them rest as needed. If your job requires you constantly to be at a computer, consider resuming work part-time initially, then gradually increasing your workload as you continue to recover.
  • You must protect your eyes from the sun and wind. Wear dark sunglasses with frames that provide plenty of coverage whenever you go outdoors, and follow your cosmetic surgeons’ instructions about applying sunscreen after eyelid surgery.
  • You will have to avoid lifting, straining, and bending down to pick things up for up to 4 weeks after eyelid surgery. This can be an inconvenient restriction, but it is crucial that you do not induce sudden increases in blood pressure until your incisions have healed adequately.

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