Techniques Used In Hair Transplantation For Women

  • DHI technology: the follicles are extracted in a very simple way from the donor area, to be implanted one by one directly, through a device called a Choi Pen Implanter. The Choi pen helps to give a high density due to the follicles being planted close to each other.
  • Robot technology: It is considered one of the latest technologies used in hair transplantation, where the robot helps the doctor in hair transplantation, by providing a pre-emptive three-dimensional image of hair transplantation, where the donor area is determined and the best follicles are selected for transplantation, and then implanted in the area of ​​hair loss or Double-bore needle balding.

Filters For Hair Transplantation

  • Women who suffer from severe hair loss or partial baldness.
  • Women who have a strong donor area.
  • Women over the age of 25.
  • Women who do not suffer from hormonal disorders and diseases, such as; Hypertension disease, hepatitis virus disease, in addition to acute anemia (severe anemia), leukemia (blood cancer), heart disease, diabetes, in addition to thyroid disease and immunodeficiency disease.

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Tips Before Hair Transplantation

  • Refrain from smoking for a month, as it affects the oxygen levels in the blood.
  • Refrain from taking blood thinners, such as; Green tea or multivitamins, especially because they contain vitamin E.
  • Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and Arabic coffee, as they cause difficulty in responding to anesthesia.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet, to avoid complications.
  • Avoid prescription drugs that cause blood thinning, such as aspirin and ibuprofen compounds.


Tips After Hair Transplantation For Women

  • The headband should be worn for 48 hours, to avoid swelling of the head.
  • Avoid bending the head as much as possible, and maintain a parallel line between the chin and the ground, for a period of three days, to avoid swelling in the areas of the fetus and around the eyes.
  • Never wash the hair before the 72 hours after the procedure.
  • Take care to sleep almost vertically, relying on two pillows to raise the head, to avoid swelling, for five days.
  • Abstain from swimming in sea water for a period of three months, and abstain from swimming in the pool for two months.
  • Stay away from sunlight, heat and high humidity, for at least a month, and when going out, wear a medical hat.
  • Pay attention to the way of dressing and dressing, by not applying pressure directly to the scalp.
  • Avoid smoking, for at least two months after the operation, because it impedes the growth of the follicles leading to their fall.
  • Be careful to use medical shampoo while washing hair, and not rely on chemical shampoo.
  • Stay away from trying the Turkish bath or sauna, for a month.


Stages Of Hair Transplantation For Women

  • The first stage: the clinical examination. The doctor examines the areas affected by baldness or hair loss, in addition to examining the donor area, and determining the number of follicles needed for transplantation.
  • The second stage: conducting the necessary analyzes. The necessary blood tests are performed to identify blood sugar levels, in addition to performing skin examinations to find out if there is any obstruction to the hair transplantation process.
  • The third stage: the follicle extraction: Initially, the donor area is shaved, and the hair shortened, then the doctor extracts the follicles from the area using either a micro-motor device in case of relying on DHI technology, or a robot device if relying on robot technology.
  • The third stage: the follicle extraction: Initially, the donor area is shaved, the hair is shortened, then the doctor extracts the follicles from the area using either a micro-motor device in case of relying on DHI technology, or a robot device in case of relying on robot technology.
  • In the case of relying on robotic technology: the robot helps the doctor in determining how the follicles are distributed in the area of ​​baldness or hair loss, and then the extracted follicles are implanted using fine double-lumen needles. Once the hair transplant is completed, a collar is worn around the head, to prevent fluids from descending into the face area and reduce swelling.

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